Disclaimer | Kratom Kind


This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, prevent, cure or diagnose any disease.

The FDA has not approved kratom as a dietary ingredient for human consumption.

Mitragyna speciosa is an unapproved dietary ingredient:
The manufacturers and re-sellers of this product cannot advise on its use as the FDA has not approved kratom as a dietary ingredient.

Ingesting Mitragyna speciosa can be dangerous:
Consult your physician about potential interactions if you are prescribed medication, other possible complications, and precautionary measures before considering this product.

Heavy metals occur naturally within Mitragyna speciosa:
We test our raw products for heavy metals and confirm that levels are always within the allowable limits that our government has set for food products, however, please be aware that long term heavy use of any product containing Mitragyna speciosa may elevate blood serum levels of heavy metals. 

For purchasers from Tennessee:
Pregnant and nursing individuals, as well as those under 21, should not use kratom. Kratom should not be used with alcohol and medications and individuals should consult their physician in case of heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disorder, or other medical condition as well as when taking any medication.

For all purchasers of our products:

Kratom should not be used with alcohol and medications and individuals should consult their physician in case of heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disorder, or other medical condition as well as when taking any medication.


If you are pregnant:

Pregnant woman should not consume kratom because no safety data has been published.

Product contains:

100% Mitragyna Speciosa powder, gelatin capsules when encapsulated.

Our products do NOT contain any synthetic substances.

All products are lab tested by an independent 3rd party lab:
Mitragynine is a plant and will vary from batch to batch, our products contain Mitragynine ranging from 1% to 2.0%. 7-Hydroxymitragynine content is < 0.5%.

You accept full responsibility for the use of our products including but not limited to any adverse events or health complications. Manufacturers / re-sellers assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product.

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